Tu travailles sur un projet musical ? On t’accompagne pour le Mix et Mastering audio ! Viens échanger avec nous sur Instagram pour obtenir toutes les réponses à tes questions.


How do I send my track to be mixed?

You have to send the dry stems (separate tracks without effects) as .WAV files :)

Make sure to name all stems correctly (Lead, Adlibs, Double, Beat, etc.).

Then, send the complete folder of your files via wetransfer to the following email: 6n6records@gmail.com

Where can I find and listen to your mixes/beats?

We regularly update our playlists with our latest productions and mixes!

Playlist of our latest mixes! 🎛

Our products of the month 🎧

What is your delivery time?

This may vary depending on how many pieces you book, but to give you a general idea:

* Delivery time: [1 piece] • 2 - 3 days
* Delivery time: [5 pieces] • 2 - 5 days
* Delivery time: [10 pieces] • 2 - 7 days

Will you create content with my song?

When you book, be sure to add your Instagram or other social media platform in the notes above, so I can tag you if I ever use your song in posts or to feature it on our playlist.

How many revisions am I allowed on my mix?

Once mixing and mastering is complete, my online packages include 2 free revisions per track.

Adjustments to the balance and effects used in the mix are possible.